Great (Free) Python Books


Great (Free) Python Books#


This list consist of very good references.

Only resources that are really open, so resources published using a Creative Commons license (cc-by or equivalent) are included. No barriers like creating an account or accepting privacy violations are needed to read or use these open books.


Professional Python Programming

Open access book that covers topics that are important for a professional programmer.

Python Programming for Data Science

Covers everything you need to know to start using Python for data science.

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python

Python Best Practices Guidebook.

Intermediate Python

The topics which are discussed in this book open up your mind towards some nice corners of Python language.

Foundations of Python Programming

This book is to teach you to understand and create computer programs in Python. With hands-on activities!

Python Programming for Economics and Finance

Python for scientific computing, with a focus on economics and finance.

Python for Data Analysis, 3E

This book is concerned with the nuts and bolts of manipulating, processing, cleaning, and crunching data in Python.

Python Data Science Handbook

A book about doing data science with Python.

Python Packages

Python Packages is an open source book that describes modern and efficient workflows for creating Python packages.

Python & OpenGL for Scientific Visualization

he goal of this book is to reconciliate Python programmers with OpenGL, providing both an introduction to modern OpenGL and a set of basic and advanced techniques in order to achieve both fast, scalable & beautiful scientific visualizations.

From Python to Numpy

The goal of this book is to explain advanced techniques for using Numpy.

A Whirlwind Tour of Python

A Whirlwind Tour of Python is a fast-paced introduction to essential features of the Python language, aimed at researchers and developers who are already familiar with programming in another language.

pyOpenSci Python Package Guide

Learn how to create a Python package from start to finish. Also great tutorials for writing test, documentation and more!

Google’s Python Class

Free online course book for people with a little bit of programming experience who want to learn Python

The Good Research Code Handbook

Handbook is for all who do a lot of programming as part of their research. It will teach you, in a practical manner, how to organize your code so that it is easy to understand and works reliably.

Clean Architectures in Python

This book is about a software design methodology. With lots of Python examples and a strong emphasis on TDD.