Simplify Digital Privacy

Simplify Digital Privacy#

We all deserve protection from abusive data practices like mass surveillance, browser tracking, demographic profiling, and data discrimination. Protecting privacy means preserving your and our digital autonomy, our freedom, and core democratic values.

Technology will continue to enrich our lives and enable new possibilities for the future. But unfortunately many technologies can also threaten our fundamental freedoms in the near future..

New digital innovations enable new opportunities. Innovations to make our lives better and to solve real people problems on planet Earth. Today, the internet connects us all.

Besides privacy killing big-tech solutions, open transparent solutions that are no threat to our privacy are available. We advocate for radical open transparent innovative digital solutions to enable progress. Help us, so together we can make real IT innovations that have no impact on your digital privacy a reality.

We embrace digital innovations and new developments. There should be no tension between digital innovations and maintaining your digital privacy. Using open, transparent solutions is key to prevent unneeded data collections that impact our privacy and fundamental human rights.

Our mission

Our mission is to secure the fundamental right to privacy in the digital age for all people through advocacy, sharing knowledge and offering simple solutions to tools.

We strive for new digital innovations to become available for everyone without compromising your fundamental privacy rights. Whether you’re buying a coffee, driving a car, using public transport, messaging a friend, or simply browsing the internet, giving up your digital privacy should not be needed! Digital solutions shouldn’t have any hidden strings attached that impact your privacy. Not now and never in the future.

Security and privacy are distinct topics, but they are also closely related. Without digital security, your privacy is at risk! To empower you with solid, open and transparent knowledge we created a digital playbook that is dedicated to Simplify Digital Security.

This digital playbook is all about digital privacy.

We are actively collecting and sharing the latest open digital technology projects, sharing new knowledge and information. This to accelerate the process of making use of open solutions that do not impact your privacy the defacto standard.