

Using existing FOSS security solution building blocks gives significant advantages. To avoid misunderstandings: Using FOSS solutions does not mean do-it-yourself. You should always consider using a commercial company for installation, support or a service level agreement. But make sure the software itself is and remains open with a valid FOSS OSI approved license. And when using a FOSS cyber security product always consider supporting the developers or foundation behind the product. This means donating improvements back (code and documentation) and giving financial support to make sure the FOSS product and project keeps healthy and alive.

There are more than millions of different FOSS cyber security products published and available. So the collection in this publication is a very opinionated selection. Core selecting criteria are:

  • The product must have a valid FOSS license. So an OSI approved license.

  • The security product must be active and meet a minimal quality level.

  • The security product must have a version-controlled source repository that is publicly readable and has a URL. Ideal is of course that all projects meet minimal requirements as outlined in the OpenSSF Best Practices Badge Program. But despite endless energy and efforts this program is still not widely known.

Security Solutions