Category: Information Technology

  • Machine learning reference architecture

    Architecture is a minefield. And creating a good architecture for new innovative machine learning systems and applications is an unpaved road. Architecture is not by definition high level and sometimes relevant details are of the utmost importance. But getting details of the inner working on the implementation level of machine learning algorithms can be very hard. So a reference architecture on machine learning should help you in several ways. (more…)

  • Creating stupid software

    Everyone wants to create smart solutions. You want a smart home, smart city and maybe even a smart government. I never meet people who want to create stupid software. The use of software should be idiot proof, but making things really simple to solve a complex problem is very hard.

    Machine learning enables everyone to create smart solutions for very complex problems. At least that is a promise claimed by many commercial vendors selling you Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML) driven solutions.  But getting the essence of machine learning means you must reset your brain. (more…)

  • Simple innovation scenarios

    When you are trying to solve an existing problem differently you may call it innovation. Yes a bloated term but still sexy when it comes to announcing new technology products. When you want your company to bring something new on the table you should have some kind of a strategy. Scenario thinking helps. (more…)

  • The next version: The perfect frictionless writing collaboration project?

    I faced a problem. I think a complex problem since it involved: people, openness and IT. So an ideal mix for testing tools suited for complex problem solving.  A simple description of the problem is:

    How to get more collaborators for working on the next version of the ‘Open Reference Architecture for Security and Privacy Reference Architecture’ publication? (more…)

  • Free and Open Business IT Innovation: An overview of tangible IT trends for 2017

    You should be very happy! You are living in a time of accelerating changes happening within the business IT industry. Businesses innovate faster using IT innovations. Faster innovation cycles are enabled by innovations in software, hardware and business science. (more…)

  • Open Architectures do not work: The need for real open Architectures

    Architecture is a minefield. Architecture is not by definition high level and sometimes relevant details are of the utmost importance. It is not strange that the added value of architecture and architects within large companies and projects is under heavy pressure due to architecture failures at large and the emergence of agile approaches to solve business IT problems. (more…)

  • The Ultimate IT Architecture checklist

    Smart people have been thinking on how to create IT architectures as long as there has been computers. Ideas come and go, however creating good architectures can still be complex and time consuming.

    An architecture checklist helps in the governance process. Architecture checklists can become long, complex and time consuming in usage. However my aim with this architecture checklist is that it will help you and all your stakeholders involved in a simple way when you are dealing with architecture quality and risk aspects. (more…)

  • Rapid Application Development and Architecture

    Programming web applications and creating IT systems has long been a complex and slow job. Following the usual software engineering life cycles the development phase could not start before requirements were written, architecture was approved and a lot of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams were drawn. So even before the project produced something of value tons of documentation was produced.

    Due to the success of agile software development methods as e.g. scrum and devops often architects grown up with traditional development approaches, are experienced as a barrier for speeding up. So the role of traditional IT architects and architecture for creating solid design documentation has become under immense pressure. (more…)