Simplify Complexity

Business IT Complexity is a present and growing obstacle for any company. IT Complexity is hard to solve and to prevent. But managing and developing complex IT systems is a required competency to successfully run and grow any business.

Complexity can only be solved and controlled with the right mindset, skills and by using proven IT tools. Take the next step so complexity is no longer a painful hard to solve problem for growing your business.


“If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it.”

– Albert Einstein

Simplify IT

Simple IT Solutions are very hard to design. Solving current IT complexity problems is even harder. Go for Radical Open Innovation. Use our toolbox or get expert advice. Why wait?

Simplify Machine Learning/AI

Apply Machine Learning for real business use. Keep it open and simple. Simple starts with a plan. Learn, Play & Innovate!

Simplify Security

Stop IT outages. Prevent data leaks. Do it good, effective and keep it manageable. Stop firefighting. Simplify Information Security. Use and share our Security Reference Architecture. Keep in business.

Less is more