This first release (2016) of the open reference architecture for
security was called open reference architecture for security and privacy.
We have decided to make a separate publication for a privacy playbook. Check bm-support.org for updates on this project.
The initial authors
The initial authors that started this project in 2015 are:
Asim Jahan
Asim works as an information security and privacy consultant. As such he
likes to improve or redesign business processes enabling companies and
organisations to perform better with less effort at less costs. He holds
a Bachelor degree in Business IT & Management of The Hague University.
Asim knows the GDPR inside out. He also has all knowledge of CIPP/E and
CIPM. He currently works for the government implementing GDPR together
with a handpicked team. He likes to speak and recently Asim joined a
debating club. blogs and observes developments in cyber realms. Take a
look at his LinkedIn profile: https://nl.linkedin.com/in/asimjahan.
Maikel Mardjan
Maikel works often as IT (security) architect and loves to make designs
for complex IT systems in a simple way. Maikel holds both a Master (Msc)
Business Studies of University of Groningen and a Master degree (Msc)
Electrical Engineering, of Delft University of Technology. Maikel is
TOGAF 9 Certified and CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security
Professional) certified. Maikel currently works for the innovative IT
company nocomplexity.com. Despite privacy
concerns, Maikel can be found on Twitter
too https://twitter.com/maikelmardjan
This guide is the result of the collaboration of people around the
world, and your contributions are welcome!
The Open Reference Architecture for Security is created with
input of:
Alexandre Dulaunoy
Michael Hansen