

Great that you’re here and want to contribute!

You don’t have to be a security expert to contribute, every contribution is welcome!

  • If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please raise them as GitHub issues. Send comments by email if you are unable to raise issues on GitHub do not want to use Github. All comments are welcome!

This playbook is open source!

All contributions are welcome!

The simplest way to make a comment for a specific page is to use the Github icon in the top right.

We encourage all security professionals to improve this reference architecture. You can help by:

  • Add security principles.

  • Add security models.

  • Add threat models that can be easily reused.

  • Add links towards open (cc-by) solutions created by government’s or foundations.

Your contributions to this Guide are greatly appreciated as long as contributions fit within the scope and goal of this open security architecture. As an open project, this Open Reference Architecture for Security shall always remain vendor-neutral and freely available for all to use. If you contribute you will of course get credit (mentioned in upcoming publications).

We have a simple rule for all valuable input:

  1. Input MUST BE open. So cc-by licensed for text links and an OSI approved FOSS licensed for tools.

The maintainers review your pull request and your patch is merged with the master branch ASAP.



When you submit text to which you hold the copyright, you agree to license it under:

  • Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (“CC BY-SA”)