Author: Maikel Mardjan

  • Open Security News week 14-2024

    Cyber solutions can be often simpler and far more effective. Most cyber security solutions are not future-proof and not maintainable in the long term. Most cyber security improvements programs end with more paperwork, more new fancy software tools without increased security resilience.

  • Open Security News week 9-2024

    Good cyber security is and will be hard work. Almost every security professional uses the CVE system. But be cautious: The CVE system is broken and the database of existing CVEs is full of questionable content and plenty of downright lies. Cyber solutions can be often simpler and the best solution is rethinking if the solutions you use are really solutions. Frequently, numerous security solutions end up exacerbating security risks rather than mitigating them, sometimes making avoiding the solution altogether a more prudent choice. Why is good cyber security still so hard to accomplish?

  • Open Security News week 47-2023

    Machine Learning (AI) is one of the most powerful technologies of our time. But machine learning is a complex technology that brings a lot of new cyber security and privacy risks. Cyber security is a field where commercial vendors of security solutions proclaim breakthrough innovations every week. But don’t fall for it: there is no magical new tool for old and new threats. Good cyber security is and will be hard work. Now and in times to come.

  • Open Security News week 40-2023

    Reducing cyber security risks is complex. The most simple solutions are the best. Finding simple IT solutions is hard. We need to stop reinventing the wheel. Creating software that meets trivial security and privacy design rules has proven to be very difficult. So improve existing solutions instead of creating new solutions that will fail again. Use of proven open solutions (FOSS). We need to use solutions that are transparent, and we can trust. Cyber security is vital for privacy protection.

  • Solving complex IT problems

    In order to solve complex IT problems new technology can help. 

    Almost everyone in tech agrees that Large Language Models (like ChatGPT) are a generational change in what we can do with software. It feels like the blockchain and bitcoin hype all over again.

  • Human created and curated

    With the rise of LLMs (Large Language Models) like ChatGPT, the internet is flooded with blogs that are generated by bots. A real check if blogs are created by a real human or a LLM powered bot is impossible.

  • Open Security News week 35-2023

    Security by design is not a product. Nor a simple straight through process. Security by design can be viewed as a core philosophy to do the right things from a cyber security perspective in every action performed when developing and producing a new product. Too many organisations are depending on vulnerable vendor solutions for security protection that over promise but under deliver. Cyber security is a wicked problem, so learn from mistakes already make by others.

  • QR codes: Still a security nightmare?

    QR code attacks are still increasing. But is there a simple solution to reduce the risks when using a QR code? 

  • Open Security News week 27-2023

    Good cyber security is still a cost factor for companies. For too long we refuse to create simple systems for simple problems that can be easily adjusted and are resilient for common cyber security threads. We, security experts, are trained and brainwashed by commercial vendors to advocate for complex, expensive cyber security solutions that are costly to implement and lack transparency. Most cyber security improvements programs end with more paperwork and more new fancy software tools, without increased security resilience. We need to break out of this cycle.

  • Simplify Cyber Security: A Practical Manifesto

    Automation has changed our lives. Computers and all kinds of software enabled devices make our daily lives easier. Every year computer devices get more powerful, less expensive but also get more vulnerable to cyber security risks. Too often cyber security breaches have a severe impact on our safety and privacy. But most cyber security accidents are hidden from the public eye.
