Author: Maikel Mardjan

  • Learn Machine Learning

    Everyone in the world should have access to high-quality machine learning resources. This to empower Free and Open Machine Learning.

  • Keep it simple: First a POC than a MVP

    To build and test new functionality for your customers you can create a POC (Proof Of Concept) or develop a MVP (Minimum Viable Product). But creating a MVP from scratch is often not simple, since quality aspects such as security and privacy can rise severe realisation challenges. 

  • FOSS Machine Learning News week 25-2020

    Welcome to our biweekly selection of Free and Open machine learning news. Created using our own opinionated selection and summary algorithm. FOSS machine learning is crucial for everyone. Machine Learning is a complex technology. So keep it simple.

  • FOSS Machine Learning News week 23-2020

    Welcome to our biweekly selection of Free and Open machine learning news. Created using our own opinionated selection and summary algorithm. FOSS machine learning is crucial for everyone. Machine Learning is a complex technology. So keep it simple.

  • Let’s just do it one more time

    Cyber Security is complex. So it is no surprise that companies get hit by major IT disasters due to cyber security incidents.

    Cyber security vendors often make things very complex. Too complex. Often they sell a lot of crappy expensive security software with security management cockpits and promise that all your risks are mitigated. However being hit by ransomware is no joke. 

  • FOSS Machine Learning News week 21-2020

    Welcome to our biweekly selection of Free and Open machine learning news. Created using our own opinionated selection and summary algorithm. FOSS machine learning is crucial for everyone. Machine Learning is a complex technology. So keep it simple.

  • Feature rich or feature poor solutions

    Research learns that businesses frequently choose products with too many features that they later find difficult to use or will not be used at all. Feature rich software products are often fuel for business complexity. 

  • FOSS Machine Learning News week 19-2020

    Welcome to our biweekly selection of Free and Open machine learning news. Created using our own opinionated selection and summary algorithm. FOSS machine learning is crucial for everyone. Machine Learning is a complex technology. So keep it simple.

  • Customers do not ask for software complexity

    Asking for software complexity is insane. Nobody wants software solutions that are complex. It is comparable with smart cities, intelligent lockdowns and safe banks. Nobody wants stupid cities, governmental panic measurements to fight covid-19 or a bank that can not be trusted with handling money.

  • FOSS Machine Learning News week 17-2020

    Welcome to our biweekly selection of Free and Open machine learning news. Created using our own opinionated selection and summary algorithm. FOSS machine learning is crucial for everyone. Machine Learning is a complex technology. So keep it simple.
