ML courses#
Learning machine learning does not have to be very expensive or time consuming. Great learning material for machine learning is licensed under a Creative Commons license. For starters but also people who are already more familiar with the key concepts.
This section presents an opinionated list of great machine learning learning resources. A lot of garbage is produced on the internet and even paid courses are often not that good.
This list consist of very readable references and some great hands-on courses. Only resources that are real open, so resources published using a Creative Commons license (cc-by mostly) or other types of real open licensed material is included.
Most learning resources include hands-on tutorials. So be ready to learn how to use a notebook, but most tutorials offer notebooks ready to use.
Everyone in the world should have access to high-quality machine learning resources. This to empower Free and Open Machine Learning.
This list of open (Creative Commons licensed ) machine learning training resources contains resources for starters who never want to do ‘hands-on’. Openness for knowledge sharing means no user registration to read or play with the material is required.
Never stop learning!
Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning: Zero to Mastery book

Online book version of the Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning: Zero to Mastery course. With also a A Quick PyTorch 2.0 Tutorial
TensorFlow, Keras and deep learning, without a PhD

Great hands-on course from google. Learn how to build and train a neural network that recognises handwritten digits. Along the way, as you enhance your neural network to achieve 99% accuracy, you will also discover the tools of the trade that deep learning professionals use to train their models efficiently.